Konicare, Minyak Kayu Putih, 125 ml
Benefits :
Konicare Minyak Kayu Putih helps to prevent cold symptoms such as flatulence and nausea, and helps to relieve nasal congestion, helps to give pleasant and warmth feeling to the body and helps to relieve itching from insect bites.
Konicare Minyak Kayu Putih membantu menghangatkan badan, menghindarkan tubuh dari gigitan nyamuk, membantu melegakan hidung tersumbat serta meredakan gatal-gatal akibat gigitan serangga dan membantu meredakan gejala masuk angin seperti perut kembung dan mual.
Directions :
Apply it to tummy, back, chest and other body parts that are easily exposed to mosquito bites, such as neck, arms and legs, each time after shower.
Usapkan secara merata pada perut, punggung dan dadah termasuk bahgian tubuh terbuka yang mudah digigit nyamuk seperti leher, tangan dan kaki, setiap kali habis mandi.
We usually apply a delivery fee starting from $10 for orders below $59. Currently we are happy to waive delivery fees for any orders higher than $59.
Additional charges for CBD & Restricted area will be $5.
Timing request will be additional charges $5 (base on availability).
For orders exceeding 15kg, there will be an additional charge of $2 for every subsequent 15kg.
Our deliveries are available from Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 7 pm.
Orders after 8 am will consider tomorrow collection (cut-off 8 am).
Orders will be delivered within 1 to 4 working days from the date collected exclude Weekends & Public Holiday.
For frozen product orders, kindly ensure there’s someone at home to receive the orders within 1 to 4 working days from 10 am to 7 pm.
There will be NO deliveries or collections of parcels on Weekends and Public Holiday.