Barakah Herbs, Daun Senna, Teh Jati Cina, 100g
About Barakah Herbs Daun Senna Teh Jati Cina   Daun Senna has been known to be very effective in slimming the body and weight loss. It is also good for prevention of gastric or nausea. Daun Senna is also beneficial...
$4.50 $3.60
Adraa, Graviola Gold, Pati Buah Durian Belanda, 500 ml
About What it is : Soursop or its scientific name, Annona Muricata is known as a wonders tree that has many properties and advantages from the leaves to the roots. Juice Graviola Gold Adraa is packed with the goodness of...
$69.00 $61.20
Adraa, Teh Herba Daun Durian Belanda, 20 sachets x 2 g
About What it is : Contains nutrients from the leaves of the dutch (Annona Muricata) The soursop has a variety of benefits for human health. Our guarantee is that you will benefit from 100% original dairy leaf in every teaspoon...
Air Jamu, Pak Tani, 320 ml
About What it is : Air Jamu Pak Tani is traditionally used to restore energy, improve blood circulation, relieve joint pain, increase appetite, aid in digestion, relieve back pain due to menstrual pain and improve body health. Air Jamu Pak...
Air Jamu, Pak Tani, 500 ml
About What it is : Air Jamu Pak Tani is traditionally used to restore energy, improve blood circulation, relieve joint pain, increase appetite, aid in digestion, relieve back pain due to menstrual pain and improve body health. Air Jamu Pak...
Al Ejib, Tongkat Ali Hitam Madu Arabic Plus, 60 capsules
About What it is : Al Ejib – Tongkat Ali + Arabic Honey Benefits of Al Ejib – Tongkat Ali + Arabic Honey : Helps cure coughs and phlegm in throat Helps prevent fatigue and problems in breathing Helps sufferers of...
Al Ejib, Tongkat Ali Hitam Plus, 60 capsules
About What it is : Benefits : Meningkatkan ghairah seksual Menjadikan tulang lebih kuat Meningkatkan kepadatan otot Mengurangi lemak tubuh Meningkatkan pembakaran energi dan fosforilasi oksidatif Meningkatkan pembentukan sel darah sehingga membantu mempertahankan tingkat energi yang lebih tinggi dan mempercepatkan...
Amran, Serbuk Halia Madu, 400 g
About What it is : Amran Serbuk Halia Madu is instant honey ginger tea with full hygienic protection to our body, fully flavoured, delightfully fragrant and satisfying. Amran Serbuk Halia Madu mempunyai cita rasa yang asli serta mempunyai khasiat bagi...
Barakah Herbs, Habbatus Sauda, with Tongkat Ali, 4 in 1, 60 softgels
About:   Unlock the Benefits of Black Seed Oil – Shop Now!   Experience the extraordinary potential of Black Seed Oil with our premium selection. Our carefully crafted, cold-pressed Black Seed Oil is packed with essential nutrients and powerful antioxidants....
$25.00 $20.40
Barakah Herbs, Syifa Slim & Lite , 105 capsules
About What it is : Barakah Herbs, Syifa Slim & Lite contain natural ingredients for digestive system. Benefits : Improves digestive problems. Facilitating the process of constipation and detoxfication problems. Helps to destroy body fat. Keeps the metabolic system organized. Increase...
$14.90 $10.20
Borobudur, Asrirapat 300 Pills @ 225 g
About What it is : Borobudur Asrirapat is a supplement that you can take to help reduce excessive mucous in feminine area. Borobudur Asrirapat adalah jamu yang boleh membantu mengurangkan lendir yang berlebihan pada daerah kewanitaan. Ingredients : Punica Granatum...
Borobudur, Asrirapat, 100 capsules @ 550 g
About What it is : Borobudur Asrirapat is a supplement that you can take to help reduce excessive mucous in feminine area. Borobudur Asrirapat adalah jamu yang boleh membantu mengurangkan lendir yang berlebihan pada daerah kewanitaan. Ingredients : Punica Granatum...
ByHerbs, Black Jack, 60 capsules
About What it is : Byherbs Black Jack is a natural herbal tongkat ali supplement, blended with a balanced composition of 2 types of Tongkat Ali. Eurycoma Longifolia Jack (Tongkat Ali) and Polyalthia Bullata King (Tongkat Ali Hitam) originate from...
El Nasr, Instant Gum Arabic, 150 g
About What it is : Arabic gum known as dietary fiber, often referred to as Acacia Gum or Acacia Fiber, in the food or pharmaceutical industry world, the name Arabic is best known as emulsifier with E414 code. But the...
$10.00 $7.00
Global Herbs, Teh Daun Belalai Gajah, Plus Daun Durian Belanda 20 sachets x 2 g
About What it is : The combination of Sabah Snake Grass and Graviola essence in a tea form by Global Herbs have been specially formulated based on the latest research in the field of health supplements. The health benefits contained...
$30.00 $25.50
Global Herbs, Daun Belalai Gajah, Plus Daun Durian Belanda, 60 capsules
About What it is : Daily intake of black seed oil supports the body immunity system, it contains vitamins, minerals & Omega 3 fatty acids. Its continous use will keep you healthy & wholesome. Benefits : Helps to rejuvenate and...
$35.00 $30.60
Global Herbs, Tongkat Ali Power Plus, 60 capsules
About   Benefits : -Menguatkan sistem penghadaman -Menguatkan dan mengekalkan tenaga -Meningkatkan tahap testosterone yang menghasilkan peningkatan jisim dan kekuatan otot -Meningkatkan tahap hormon sehingga meningkatkan mood dan megurangkan kegelisahan -Menjaga seimbangan tahap kolesterol dalam badan -Menggalakkan sistem imun yang...
$35.00 $28.60
Global Herbs, Tongkat Ali, Super Power Gold 100%, 60 capsules
About   Benefits : -Menguatkan sistem penghadaman -Menguatkan dan mengekalkan tenaga -Meningkatkan tahap testosterone yang menghasilkan peningkatan jisim dan kekuatan otot -Meningkatkan tahap hormon sehingga meningkatkan mood dan megurangkan kegelisahan -Menjaga seimbangan tahap kolesterol dalam badan -Menggalakkan sistem imun yang...
$35.00 $28.60
Herba Banyumas, Jamu Laksamana Bentan, 60 capsules
About What it is : Jamu laksana Bentan is a natural herbs for a healthy body. Benefits : Improves blood circulation Backache Increase strength Increase appetite Reduce tiredness   Melancarkan perjalanan darah Menghilangkan sakit pinggang Menambahkan tenaga Menambah selera makan...
$15.00 $13.30
Herba Banyumas, Kacip Fatimah, 60 capsules
About What it is : Kacip Fatimah grow wild in tropical forests and is the most popular herb among malay women to recover energy while rejuvenating. Benefits : Helps established a regular menstrual cycle Prevent cramping water retention and irritability...
$15.00 $10.20
Herba Banyumas, Majakani Penawar Ajaib Untuk Wanita, 60 capsules
About Benefits : Helps promote blood circulation Coordinates menstrual cycle and menstrual cycle problems Prevent mucus, smell and irritation Tightens and firms the muscles of Miss V and helps to restore elasticity Increases sensitivity Ingredients : Guazuma Ulmifolia (Jati Blanda)...
$15.00 $13.30
Herba Banyumas, Misai Kucing, 60 capsules
About Benefits : -Melancarkan perjalanan haid -Melegakan sakit sendi dan otot-otot -Mengurangkan sakit belakang -Mencegahkan sakit batu karang   -Ease menstrual flow -Reduces muscle pain -Relieves back ache -Prevents kidney stones   How To Consume : 2 pagi 2 malam...
$15.00 $13.30
Herba Banyumas, Peramping Tun Tijah, 60 capsules
About Benefits : -Menghindarkan penimbunan lemak di badan -Melancarkan buang air -Menyihatkan bahagian vagina untuk mencegah kerengsaan -Membantu mengembalikan edaran haid -Menegangkan keregangan kulit faraj dan merapatkan (sari rapat) -Menghilangkan keputihan serta bau busuk di rahim   -Prevents fat accumulation...
$15.00 $12.30
Herba Banyumas, Ramping Plus, 60 capsules
About   Benefits : -Menghindarkan penimbunan lemak di badan -Melancarkan buang air -Mengurangkan nafsu makan -Menyegarkan tubuh dan kesihatan   -Prevents fat accumulation in the body -Stimulates bowel movement -Reduces appetite -Freshens body and health     How To Consume...
$15.00 $13.30
Herba Banyumas, Tongkat Ali, Plus Ubi Jaga, 60 capsules
About Benefits : Tongkat Ali Plus Ubi Jaga is traditionally used enchance strengh and stamina. It is also used to support and expedite blood flow, back pain, nerves and joint. Tongkat Ali Plus Ubi Jaga digunakan secara tradisional untuk meningkatkan...
$15.00 $13.30
Sold Out
Herba Banyumas, Ubat Periuk, 60 capsules
About Benefits : Ubat Periuk supports and relieves muscular, nervous nerve, relieves back pain and helps launch blood transfusions and removes gases in the stomach. It is very good for women who are on menstruation and do not have menstrual...
$15.00 $13.30
Herbal Pharm, Turmeric Root Extract, 90 veg capsules
About What it is : Curcumin is the amazing active compound that is found within the turmeric root. It’s both antioxidant-rich and a fantastic daily supplement for promoting a healthy inflammation response in the body. Benefits : Provides Natural Anti-Inflammatory...
Jagoh Warisan, Akar Cerita 100%, 60 capsules
  About What it is :  Kapsul Akar Cerita 100% ini adalah ramuanyang asli, ia tidak mengandundungi bahan campuran. Keseluruhan kapsul ini adalah dari Akar Cerita yang proses. Akar Cerita amat pahit rasanya, ia biasa digunakan dalam perubatan tradisional oleh...
Jagoh Warisan, Misai Kucing 100%, 60 capsules
About What it is : Misai Kucing Jagoh Warisan ini diguna secara tradisional untuk menyokong meningkatkan tahap kesihatan kita dan melancarkan pembuangan air kecil. Ianya sangat baik bagi keseluruhan kesihatan. The legacy of the Jagoh cat is traditionally used to...
Jagoh Warisan, Temulawak, Plus Tongkat Ali 60, capsules
About What it is : Temulawak Plus Tongkat Ali is a mixture of temulawak and tongkat ali which stimulates the processing of male hormones quite effectively. Benefits : - Strengthens sexual drive and nerves - Adding and thickening of semen...
Jagoh Warisan, Tongkat Ali, Plus Ubi Jaga & Temulawak 3 in 1, 60 capsules
  About What it is : Tongkat Ali Plus Ubi Jaga & Temulawak. Benefits : - Strengthens sexual drive and nerves - Promotes healthy digestive system - Rids of body aches and back pain - Reduce fatigue and tiredness  ...
Jagoh Warisan, Ubi Jaga Plus, 60 capsules
  About What it is : Ubi Jaga Plus is a supplement for men's sexual energy. Benefits : - Strengthens sexual drive and nerves - Adding and thickening of semen as well as slowing down its ejaculation - Rids of...
Madu Rasa, Teh Daun Misai (KUMIS) Kucing, 80 g
About What it is : Made from Cat Whiskers 100% dried and not mixed with leaves or other substances. Cat Mustache Leaves are a health beverage that is very beneficial to the health and well being of the medicine, and...