Al Ejib, Air Gamat, 175 ml
About Benefits : Water Gamat (air gamat) helps accelerate wound healing, ideal for women after childbirth, relieves joint and muscle pain and reduces swelling due to insect bites. Gamat water helps those looking for cures to help ease the burden...
Al Ejib, Campuran Madu dan Habatusauda, 3 in 1, 400 g
About: "Pure and Natural Honey: Unlock the Sweetness of Nature - Shop Now!" Indulge in the pure goodness of our premium honey collection. Sourced from the finest beekeepers, our honey is a testament to the beauty and richness of...
Al Ejib, Collagen Gamat Plus Aloe Vera, 400 ml
About What it is : Anda mempunyai masalah luaran dan dalaman? Cuba dapatkan collagen gamat plus aloevera.Benefits of Aloe Vera : Aloe vera ditanam sebagai tanaman hias di pekarangan dan dimanfaatkan sebagai ubat luka dan melecur akibat terbakar , kerana...
Al Ejib, Halia Madu Asli Plus Jarum Emas, 400 ml
About What it is : Benefits : Buang angin dan mual/loya Selsema, hidung tersumbat, sukar bernafas Ulser, kembung perut, Artritus, toksin Urat saraf, bisa tulang Sakit sendi, lutut, kebas tangan/kaki Tumit kaki/gaut Melancarkan peredaran darah Menambah selera makan dan tenaga...
Al Ejib, Jelly Gamat, 250 ml
About Benefits : Water Gamat (air gamat) helps accelerate wound healing, ideal for women after childbirth, relieves joint and muscle pain and reduces swelling due to insect bites. Gamat water helps those looking for cures to help ease the burden...
Al Ejib, Jus Belalai Gajah Plus Durian Belanda, 400 ml
About What it is : Clinacanthus nutans bertindak sebagai anti kanser, anti diabetik, anti oksidan dan anti radang. Benefits : Membantu merawat penyakit kanser dan menelakkan kesakitan berulang yang disebabkan kanser Membantu merawat virus simplex harpes yang menyebabkan penyakit kelamin,...
Al Ejib, Jus Cuka Kurma, 400 ml
What it is :
Helps maintain nourishment and as a supplement.
Ingredients :
Dates Extract
Al Ejib, Jus Gamat Madu Omega, 400 ml
About What it is : Mengandungi bahan anti-oksida, kolagen dan asid lemak omega (epa) bagi memelihara sel kulit dan memperlahankan proses penuaan. Berkhasiat bagi lelaki dan wanita di semua peringkat umur.Benefits : Menguatkan daya tahan tubuh dan tenaga segera Menyembuhkan lelah,...
Al Ejib, Jus Peria Katak Plus Daun Betik & Bawang Putih, 400 ml
About What it is : Sesuai sangat bagi pesakit kencing manis dan darah tinggi Benefits :Benefits of Peria Katak, Buah Peria Katak (Buah, Herba, Ubat, Ulam) Kandungan kalori yang rendah Mengandungi vitamin B1, B2, B3, C, magnesium, asid folik, zink, fosforus, manganese, fiber...
Al Ejib, Teh Belalai Gajah Plus Durian Belanda, 20 sachets x 2 g
About What it is : Clinacanthus nutans bertindak sebagai anti kanser, anti diabetik, anti oksidan dan anti radang. Benefits : Membantu merawat penyakit kanser dan menelakkan kesakitan berulang yang disebabkan kanser Membantu merawat virus simplex harpes yang menyebabkan penyakit kelamin,...
Al Ejib, Tunjuk Langit, 60 capsules
About What it is : Tunjuk langit (buah mahogani) penawar penyakit jantung yang dicari Buah mahogani (Tunjuk Langit) atau saitifiknya Swietenia Macrophyllae telah diketahui keistimewaannya kerana mengandungi Flavonoids, Saponins dan Bitter Alkoloids. Ketiga-tiga komposit kesihatan ini mampu memperbaiki sistem peredaran...
Al Ihsan, Jus Madu Arab Belalai Gajah Apricot B17, 500 ml
About What it is : Contains Arabian Honey, Sabah Snake Grass (Belalai Gajah), Apricot B17, Soursop, Olive Extract, Pomegranate, Saffron and Dates Cider. Benefits : Helps to improve digestion and repair the digestive system. Helps to treat hair loss problems...
Alana, Royal Kopi Hijau, 15 sachets X 20 g
About: Experience the Perfect Cup of Coffee - Shop Our Premium Coffee Collection Today! Indulge in the rich and aromatic world of our premium coffee selection. Carefully sourced from the finest coffee beans around the globe, our coffees are...
Almas, Jus Nusantara, 500 ml
About What it is : 1001 Secret Herbs contain nutrients. It has proven its effectiveness in helping to cure illnesses in 1001. 1001 Nusantara juice contains natural secrets of herbs, herbal extracts natural heritage is very tasty herbs formulated from...
Barakah Herbs, Garcinia Slimz, 60 capsules
About What it is : Garcinia cambogia fruit, also known as Malabar tamarind, has been touted as a “simple solution” that can “bust body fat for good.” It’s said to block the body’s ability to produce fat and suppresses appetite. But...
Barakah Herbs, Habbatus Sauda, with Sea Cucumber, 4 in 1, 60 softgels
About: Unlock the Benefits of Black Seed Oil – Shop Now! Experience the extraordinary potential of Black Seed Oil with our premium selection. Our carefully crafted, cold-pressed Black Seed Oil is packed with essential nutrients and powerful antioxidants....
Barakah Herbs, Syifa Slim & Lite , 105 capsules
About What it is : Barakah Herbs, Syifa Slim & Lite contain natural ingredients for digestive system. Benefits : Improves digestive problems. Facilitating the process of constipation and detoxfication problems. Helps to destroy body fat. Keeps the metabolic system organized. Increase...
Delima Naturale, 100% Naturally Organic Pomegranate with Aronia Berry Juice, 1 litre
Pomegranate + Aronia Berry- Enhanced Antioxidant Power: The combination of Pomegranate and Aronia Berry provides an extra boost of antioxidants, offering superior protection against free radicals.- Brain Health Support: Aronia Berries are known to support cognitive function and memory, making...
Delima Naturale, 100% Naturally Organic Pure Pomegranate Juice, 1 litre
Pure Pomegranate- Boosts Immunity: Loaded with antioxidants, our Pure Pomegranate juice fortifies your immune system, keeping you strong and healthy.- Heart-Healthy: Supports cardiovascular health by promoting proper blood circulation and heart function.- Youthful Glow: Nourishes your skin from within, revealing...
Eskayvie, Phytax, Mixed Fruit Drink, 500ml
About What it is : A magic botanical juice that will improve your health. It's well known as solution 3 series : Cholesterol. Blood Pressure. Diabetic.COMBO RECOVERY - consists of a combination of natural substances nutrients which have powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and...
Essentia Medica, D-Tox Flush, 15 g X 15 sachets
About What it is : D-TOX FLUSH - Clean intestines. Healthy body. Buldging tummy no more. Goodbye body odour! D-TOX FLUSH is formulated with fiber content and nutrients to flush out toxins in the body by encouraging motilitas gastrousus and bowel...
Global Herbs, Jus Sultan Moringa, 350 ml
About What it is : Moringa seeds, from the Moringa plant are annually harvested in the sub tropics of Asia and Africa. They are valued highly for their nutritional benefit, just like the Moringa plant itself. Moringa Seeds are rich...
Global Herbs, Moringa 100%, 500 mg x 70 capsules
About What it is : Moringa seeds, from the Moringa plant are annually harvested in the sub tropics of Asia and Africa. They are valued highly for their nutritional benefit, just like the Moringa plant itself. Moringa Seeds are...
Global Herbs, Teh Rerama Super Plus, 15 sachets X 2 g
About What it is : Rerama leaves have been identified to contain high anti-oxidants to overcome unhealthy cells and replace with healthy cells in the body. Benefits : Helps to rejuvenate and revitalise men and women’s health. Helps improve physical...
Gulsan, Pomegranate Concentrate, 250 ml
About What it is : Gulsan Pomegranate Concentrate is made from 100% pure pomegranate juice. It has exceptionally high levels of antioxidants which is good for controlling both heart and blood pressures. Did you know that pomegranate nutrients is seldom...
Herbal Pharm, Omega-3, DHA & EPA, 90 softgels
About What it is : Need a brain booster? These long-chain Omega-3 fatty acids nourish the brain and stave off a host of diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, depression and rheumatoid arthritis. Unless you thrive on a diet of...
Ihsan Al-Barakah, Jus Durian Belanda, Super Premium, 500 ml
About What it is : Malaysia Soursop, from the leaves, roots, bark and fruit is believed to be all the nutrients that our forefathers have used for centuries. With modern discoveries, we can enjoy Soursop as a health food. Alternative...
Ihsan, Al-Barakah Jus Pembersih Kolesterol, 500 ml
About What it is : Al Ihsan Barakah made of natural materials such as garlic, ginger, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and honey. A cholesterol buster, artery cleanser, and many more benefits! An excellent home remedy that you want to keep available...
Jus Lega, Pembersih Kolesterol, 350 ml
About What it is : Jus LEGA made of natural materials such as garlic, ginger, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and honey. A cholesterol buster, artery cleanser, and many more benefits! An excellent home remedy that you want to keep...
Karysma, Green Coffee Original Blend, 15 sachets x 25 g
About: Experience the Perfect Cup of Coffee - Shop Our Premium Coffee Collection Today! Indulge in the rich and aromatic world of our premium coffee selection. Carefully sourced from the finest coffee beans around the globe, our coffees...
Mylustre, Bodigard Jus Berqah Gold, 500 ml
About What it is : BerQah Juice is a healthy drink concentrate made from Graviola (soursop’s fruit, rind, leaves and seeds), Mangosteen (rind & fruits) Ginger, Goji, Fig, Olive, Honey, Guarana, Indian jujubes plus Dong Quai to provide additional good nutrition...
Orang Kampung, Teh Herba Citrus, 25 sachets X 3 g
About What it is : Herbal Tea specially formulated to reduce weight, remove toxins in the body, to overcome the problem of constipation, stabilize blood sugar levels, helping to eliminate body odor and helps the digestive system. Suitable for men and...
Orang Kampung, Teh Herba Ginger, 25 sachets X 3 g
About What it is : Herbal Tea specially formulated to reduce weight, remove toxins in the body, to overcome the problem of constipation, stabilize blood sugar levels, helping to eliminate body odor and helps the digestive system. Suitable for men and...
Orang Kampung, Teh Herba Original, 25 sachets X 3 g
About What it is : Herbal Tea specially formulated to reduce weight, remove toxins in the body, to overcome the problem of constipation, stabilize blood sugar levels, helping to eliminate body odor and helps the digestive system. Suitable for men and...
Primadona, Sari Agegard Plus, 15 sachets X 8 g
About What it is : Sari Agegard is an excellent home health supplement that you want to maintain good health. Who Should Consume Sari AgeGard? Person with malignant diseases. As we know that cancer is on the rise while the...
Serigama, Luxor Jeli Gamat, 350 ml
About What it is : Ada banyak khasiat dan manfaat Jeli Gamat Luxor yang boleh didapatkan oleh tubuh. Tentunya setiap orang ingin memiliki tubuh yang sihat dan cergas bahkan hingga hari tua. Namun sayangnya, keinginan itu tidak mudah untuk diraih di zaman...
Serigama, Luxor, Jeli Gamat Gold, 350 ml
About What it is : Jeli Gamat GOLD merupakan produk penjagaan kesihatan yang diperbuat daripada 100% timun laut emas atau gamat emas tulen. Gamat Emas ialah sejenis timun laut yang berwarna keemasan. Ia berlainan dengan timun laut biasa kerana mengandungi khasiat...
TF, Kapsul Keladi Tikus, 180 caps
About What it is : Typhonium Flagelliforme extract contains active substances hexane and dichloromethane. This ingredient is believed to inhibit the growth of cancer cells significantly, namely RIP (Ribosom Inactivating Protein). RIP destroys cancer cells without harming healthy cells and...
V'Asia, Lemon Tox, 10 sachets X 15 gm
About What it is : V'Asia, Lemon Tox Benefits : Formulation of detox drinks as well as for slimming and removing excess air in the body. Suitable taken as early as 17 years old. Contains Lemon which helps to remove...
Vegeta, Herbal Anggur Merah, 6 sachets X 5 g
About What it is : Vegeta Herbal is a supplement which is made from a combination of fibers, natural laxative and anti-gassy made from natural herbs and useful to relieve constipation. Benefits : To relieve heavy constipation To help neutralizing...